What defines death. And no, I don't mean in a poetic sense, when a person sits around and does nothing in life. That is another post altogether. I mean legally and biologically, what defines death.
When the heart stops beating
When the body is unresponsive.
When the brain waves stop.
That is death.
So shouldn't the opposite define life?
I do not understand Why everything has to be 50 shades of gray. (Yes, I know that is a book, and no, we are not talking about abusive relationships right now) Life and death are pretty black and white.
So, why, I ask, 40-50 million willful murders being committed?
40+ Million Murders not being prosecuted my the law
40+ million murders who will never have justice.
40+ Million murders, and no officer bats a lash.
40+ Million Murders because a person believes it is their right.
So, if you haven't caught on, and you are not really offended yet, I will elaborate.
I am talking about the ever flaming topic of abortion.
Wow. Heated.
Here is my stance. All I ask is that you read it till the very end.
I do not agree with abortion.
This represents most of the propaganda for Abortion believers. And, by golly, I agree
You want a tattoo, go for it.
You want lip metal, go for it.
If you want to dye your hair, go for it.
You want to amputate all of you limbs, go for it.
Now, wait slow down, but I just said....
Guys! I said YOUR BODY.
My mother does not claim my body.
She can't do what she wants to my body. Sorry folks, that is called child abuse.
Now I know, here is where we hit the age old argument. It is still in the womb, so it doesn't count as it's own body.
I could also spout the age old facts about how it can feel pain, it has a heartbeat at 18 weeks, and al the others one, but they haven't changed anything yet. If that was going to touch you guys, well then it would have, and someone else could occupy all those billboards.
So this makes it right. Just as suicide is right I guess.
This has become less of a matter of Right and Wrong, and more of a matter of rights.
Did you know that is some states, it is legal, when the woman is having contractions, to take the babies head out of a womb and put a drill through its head.
Wow, sounds like what we do to cattle, but people are protesting to that.
That sounds like murder to me, but it is inside the womb, all except its head, so hey, it doesn't count. Bummer for that child.
Sound cold. Well, I really don't like abortion.
Another problem, with this horrendous act, is we waver when it comes to horrendous people.
Ariel Castro, a man who kidnapped and sexually abused women, was charged with the murder to TWO UNBORN CHILDREN!
Give you a minute
Wow, people, so it is wrong when a creepy man from cleveland does it, but not when a middle class woman does it? Bias Much?
Now some of you may have noticed, up to this point I have not Identified myself as pro-life and/or anti pro-choice. This is mainly because I think those name are stupid.
I am Pro Choice. I believe every woman should have the choice Ladies, it is called sex.
Any woman who engages in an act of sex made a choice (calm down, I am not talking about rape, that is sightly different) . So Yes, I am pro choice, if a woman does not want children, don't have sex. I know protection can fail and if you are not willing to take the risk, make a choice.
Now I know some of you are really mad, if your kept reading at all. For that I am truly sorry.
But lots of people thought slavery was great, and it took the few to stand up.
We are still dealing with the repercussions that today.
Most of us know Abortion is a thing that can cause a lot of damage. It is wrong, just as suicide is wrong, or murder. Get up the guts and say something. And if you believe in abortion, really consider why. Is it because you are afraid one day, you will need to rid yourself of an incovinience. Is it because can't stand the idea of being pregnant. Is it because you feel it is your right to do what you want with your child.
I am just saying,
If rabbits are stressed, they eat their young. Gross and Animalistic
Male baboons kill offspring of rivals. Horrid. And Animalistic
Embryo Sand Tiger sharks eat their siblings while in the womb. Strange and animalistic
If a hamster is hungry she will eat her young. Cruel and Animalistic.
A woman will kill her unborn child if she doesn't want it. Normal and Right.
We justify wrong things because they are convenient. Can't we see history repeating itself.
Think on this.
Around 11 Million people were killed in the holocaust. That was terrible. No doubt. It is still a horror today.
Yet 40-50 Million unborn children have been killed in the USA.
An evolved form of genocide.
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