I saw this picture while aimlessly scrolling through the feed of Google +. I saw the random bird, then I saw the caption, then I saw the other Birds. Many of you probably had the same experience.
Most of you, like me, will think this picture is cool.
Many of you will think that you would like to be that one bird.
Some of you may re-post it, like I did.
And almost all of you, like me, will just keep on scrolling aimlessly.
This is how life is. We wander through it and see an interesting thing, or something inspirering. We will say the world needs more of that! We will share that, then keep going aimlessly.
I want to end the Aimlessness.
So I decided to blog about it.
I am going to tell you all about this picture and how we as Christians should see this bird as what we should be.
Think about this for just a moment
Can we change the world if we act like part of it?
If we stand with the crowd, even if we don't agree with the crowd. How will anyone know?
How can people see Christ in us, if they don't even see us?
Look at that group of birds. They are all doing different things. Some are bending over, some are turned, some are standing straight up. People are like this too, they are each different, and have different beliefs. But know one really know that by just looking.
But that one bird, people look at it. They inspect it. I sat there and stared at it. Not really knowing that I was doing it.
Because it stands out! And when someone stands out, they are under a lot of scrutiny.
That is probably one of the reasons why we avoid standing out.
"We can change the world from behind the scenes."
"Other people can do the standing out part."
"It is lonely out there."
"I don't want people to hate me."
"I don't want to be noticed."
These are all arguments I used with myself. Being somewhat normal, I bet you have too.
Now this is how I refuted them to myself.
1. Yes, some can be behind the scenes, but if everyone is pulling curtains, who is on the stage? If everyone is managing props, then who is delivering the messages? Imagine if all the pastors decided to be behind the scenes? There would be no churches?
2. Piggy-backing on the previous one, What if everybody thought that? What if everyone was waiting for someone else to stand out? We would get NOWHERE!!! What if Paul had decided that he didn't want to teach? Or David thought someone else could take down Goliath? Or Noah chose not to build the Ark, I bet that stood out! We all think that these people were ready for these things. But I know I would never be ready to take on a Giant with just a rock. The CHOSE to stand out. They didn't let someone else do it. Because they were the only one who could.
3. Loneliness has always been one of my problems. Especially since I moved. Back where I used to live, it was easy, because all of my friends had the same beliefs, moral, and values. But here, I hang out with non-Christians, and other Christians that do not have the same mind-set at me. It got hard. Fast.
In fact, I almost stopped public school to go back to homeschooling. Why? Because it was easier. I didn't have to worry about standing out, or dealing with difficult people. But here, think about this one.
Jesus was lonely. He was probably one of the Loneliest people.
He was WAY different from everyone. Yes, he had his disciples, but he was always leading them. Yes, he had God, but he had to have longed for Human companionship as well.
Leading is lonely. Being in front is lonely. Being different is lonely.
I am not making you feel better am I?
Well, if there are enough people being different. At least you can be lonely together. (bad pun, I know)
But just because you are different doesn't mean you can't make friends with the people who aren't. Jesus befriended taxpayers.
4. Yup. I hear this one a lot as well. The world is really big with everybody liking each other. Everyone getting along. I mean the have bumper stickers that say COEXIST. If it is on a bumper sticker, we gotta do it right?
Being different will ruffle feathers, Why? Because we are changing things. Don't let this deter you. Someone out there will always have feelings of malice towards you, whether it is because you are different, too normal, you have brown hair, you like math, Someone out there won't like you, Why? Because that is the way of the world. (not saying I agree with it, but I know it is true).
People will hate you for it. But God will Love you. I know he loves you anyway, and he always will. But, such actions are pleasing to him. God's people will love you. Win some loose some....
5. I know the feeling of wanting to shrink into the shadows. Heck, Batman does it. But, there is no way, someone can follow God truly, and not stand out.
If you follow God with all your heart, you will stand out!
If you don't think you are standing out, maybe you should reevaluate where you stand with God. Just because you haven't Murdered anyone, doesn't mean you are doing everything right
So, now I have told you all about standing out. Yippy. How many of you will keep scrolling. Go one life and nothing changes?
Well, now it is time to put it into practice.
We are called to be different.
There is NO way around. No way to argue against it. (Trust me, I've tried). This is how it is. This is how it needs to be.
It is hard. It is going to be VERY hard. Most of the time I do not know if I am doing it right.
So I pledge that we all promise to help each other stay different. To remind people, who is noticed more.
If you agree with this, Say 'I pledge' or something likewise in the comments.
The Only way we can change the world is if we are not of it. It is time to change the world.
Over and Out
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