No wonder our perception of beauty is so distorted.
This is what people see as perfection. These pictures of celebs or adds. this is what everyone strives to be.
Why can't I look like that?
Why don't I have that shape?
I am not pretty.
I will never be pretty.
This is what adds like this instills. Over 99.9% of all pictures found in adds are photo shopped. Almost ever picture we see is a fake. Yet we all look towards them for the vision of perfection.
Replays of the same question flt in and out of everyone's and.
Why? Why do I not look like that?
And believe it or not, this is the question those add want you to ask, because they want you to believe that they have the answer.
You could be beautiful if you wore my cloths.
You could be beautiful if you wore my makeup.
You could be beautiful if you ate my pill.
You could loved if you wore my underwear.
You could be thin if you starved yourself.
These are the answers they give. To them we are not enough. They want to fix us.
Into our mind they force this idea that we are not all that we should be. We are are ugly, fat, unwanted, unloved, and useless. Ceaselessly they drill with pictures of what they want us to be perfection.
These are images they want us to strive for. Little do we know that this is an unattainable goal. These pictures are fake. But they want us to be fake to. Eat a little less (like a lot). Wear the right cloths (T he ones that cost the most) and layer on the makeup.
We have to show them that they are fighting a loosing battle. Yeah a little here and a little there. But we are enough for ourselves we don't need the help of Photoshop, extreme dieting, or cases of makeup, to know that we are beautiful. But to convince them, we must first convince ourselves.
Whenever it gets to you just remember you are perfect because God made you that way.
Psalm 139:14
New King James Version (NKJV)
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[a]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Our souls should know it very well. God doesn't make anything that isn't perfect. We are real. And that is more beautiful than any stick person out there.
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