Gandhi ( a peaceful guy that did a lot of good stuff) Once said "Be the change you want to see in the world." This is a pretty big thing. I mean, I want to see world peace and no orphans. I want to see happy people and everybody feels as though they are loved because they would be. I want to see every person feel good about them selves. I want to see bullying stopped everywhere. I want to see a world I could be proud of, not something to cringe at and say "Well there is always the next one." Cause guess what?! There is no next world. I am not some space traveling alien who can visit random worlds in space. I highly doubt any of you are either. If you are cool, but I am talking to the majority.
Guys, I hate to tell you this is the only earth we will ever have. Right now it isn't to pretty. All those thing I want to see in the world, they just aren't there. People die alone, feeling as though they have been alone their whole life. Children go without parents and family. People are hungry.
The world is hungry, but not just for food.
The world is hungry for love.
The world is hungry for compassion.
The world is hungry for kindness.
The world is hungry for change.
Unfortunate the world can't change itself. More like is won't. We are the world and we let this beautiful thing called life slip through the cracks. I think all of us want the world to be a better place. But that is somebody else's job, right. I am too young. What can I do? I am too inexperienced. I am too poor. I don't have enough to give to others. I am too busy. I can't. Somebody else will do it, right? It isn't my fault the world is this way. It isn't my problem.
You couldn't be more wrong. I couldn't be more wrong. We couldn't be more wrong.
It is our fault. It is our job. Every minute we sit here and just watch the world, we are letting it get worse. What if the whole world is thinking somebody else will do it? What will get done then? Who will change things then?
We are the World. We must change the world. What can you do? Really it is simple. Though it would be great, you don't have to go build a school in Africa, or go Find parents for all the orphan children. All you have to do is smile.
That is right, it is that simple. Smile at one more person. Hold the door for that one person. Resist honking your horn or flipping the bird at just one person.
That random homeless guy on the street, buy him a burger. Give a one dollar donation to those things at the register at Wal-Mart. Compliment a random person on something. Ask the kid that sits alone to sit with you. Pay for someones groceries or food at a drive through. Seriously if you want more ideas just ask in the comments. If you would like someone to do it to you then do it for someone else.
You really could change someones day by doing something small.
You might be thinking, how on earth can this change the world?
What if every person in the world loved just a little more, gave just a little more? Think of how much better the world would be.
But the whole world doesn't read my blog so how can they know to do this. One more candle makes the world a brighter place. If you are always waiting to shine until the whole world does it you may never know that they are waiting on you to start. (did that make sense?) If we change the world just one person at a time, that is still more than what is being done.
I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but I have a feeling you all knew this before. The world is not a happy place. It is not getting better. You know why? Because We are the world and we are sitting on the couch not doing anything. This is the only earth we got, don't waste it thinking someone else will fix it. YOU be the change you want to see!! Yeah, Gandhi, you hit the nail on the head. Probably why he is so famous.
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