Thursday, December 26, 2013


Okay, these are some lyrics I came up with along with my family.  They were originally for my 3 yr old bro JK and my 5 yr old bro Cars.   (those are cool code names) Since Gangnam Style is in a different language that I don't speak I wanted to be able to sing the words.  Hence these lyrics.  Just sing them with the will have fun.   One day I might make a music video for them....hmmmmm  maybe if I get enough pageviews.......

With out further narration......

JOE STOLE MY STYLE!   Arranged by myself.  

One day I decided to do yoga
I needed so friends so I brought all my ninjas
And I couldn't do those pants so I put on a toga
Thats how I do yoga

Yeah I saw my hair, it was a blowing in the wind
Yeah i saw my hair it was a rubbing 'ginst my frends
Yeah I saw my hair, it went a up up up.
I saw my hair ooh I saw my hair.

Yeah Dad was a little loco
You should know
Yeah I don't know

Yeah Dad was a little loco
You should know
Yeah I don't know
He just steps on the peddle and goes goes goes

Joe he stole my style
Joe he stole my style
Joe he stole my style 

Hey random dinosaur
Joe he stole my style
Hey, Random dinosaur

One day I decided to do yoga
I needed so friends so I brought all my ninjas
And I couldn't do those pants so I put on a toga
Thats how I do yoga

Yeah I saw my hair, it was a blowing in the wind
Yeah i saw my hair it was a rubbing 'ginst my frends
Yeah I saw my hair, it went a up up up.
I saw my hair ooh I saw my hair.

Yeah Dad was a little loco
You should know
Yeah I don't know

Yeah Dad was a little loco
You should know
Yeah I don't know
He just steps on the peddle and goes goes goes

Joe he stole my style
Joe he stole my style
Joe he stole my style 

Hey random dinosaur
Joe he stole my style
Hey, Random dinosaur

I need a door
A little lovely door
Not a Joe door, Geez
Jump out the door

I need a door
a little lovely door
Not a Joe door, Geez
Jump out the door,
You know what I'm sayin'

 stole my style
Hey random dinosaur
Joe he stole my style
Hey, Random dinosaur
Joe he stole my style

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Little Drummer Boy

So I am in love with these a totally non awkward way.  I just can't believe that they are doing all of this with just their voices.  WOW!  

But the song is what really got to me.  Okay, so I have heard this song a million times before...that is one thing about Christmas music, it is timeless.  I think it is because I have heard it so many times I have never really heard it.  You know, when some one says something a lot you loose the meaning.  Well that is how I feel about this song.  I think I heard it for the first time today.

So, if you don't really know me, I am a Christian.  I would love to call myself devout but sometimes I feel as though I am not.  That is a whole different post so I will get to that some other day. So I was in church when I heard this song.  I struck me as never before.

So the story line is that this poor boy has nothing to bring the baby king.  HE is a poor boy.  But he brings what he has, in this case a drum, and plays it with all his heart.

This is us perfectly.   Everyone.  From Bill Gates to that guy on the street corner.  What do we have to give a King?  A King who has absolutely everything?  What do we have to give?

That is the most amazing thing.  WE are that little drummer boy poor, broken, dirty, lost.  Yet, God doesn't ask for money or stuff, (though all these things are good to give).  All he asks us to give is our selves, our song.  

To me this is amazing, that someone who has, say, Mother Teresa would want broken me.  But, he does.  He wants all of us to play a song for him.  No matter how bad it is.  

So, all the little drummer boys, lets play our song this holiday season.  Because, to Him, that is better than any Gold, Frankincense, or Myrrh.  To Him that is the greatest gift of all

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Okay, I just wanted to let you all know that I love to talk.  That is one of the reasons I have this blog.  But believe it or not, I don't really like to talk to myself all the time.   Someone told me that was weird.  So, in effort to stop talking to myself, I need people to talk to.  As you can see I am always speaking in 2nd person (meaning I use YOU) So it is like I am talk to someone.  Let me tell you, I have NEVER had a conversation were the other person hasn't said ANYTHING!  Maybe I have very opinionated friends or I say things that make people want to yell at me, but this whole one sided thing is new to me.
Moral of that whole, long winded paragraph....

I know people have busy lives and leaving comments takes time and thinking process but it would be nice...every once in a while, if I heard (read) something other than my own.

If you have any question, ask in the comments...I shall answer to the best of my knowledge.

If you want my opinion I will be more than happy to give it, like really.

If you want to tell be you have a pet salamander that has green spots and you had moldy cheese for lunch GO FOR IT!  

I like people, and this blog makes me feel anti-social......

But, if you know, no one reads this post.  OR doesn't really care about my sanity and I have no comments....I might just turn into the Golum  (spelling?) from the Hobbit and talk to my other Tori be quiet I am typing on my blog.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

We Are the World

Gandhi ( a peaceful guy that did a lot of good stuff)  Once said "Be the change you want to see in the world."  This is a pretty big thing.  I mean, I want to see world peace and no orphans.  I want to see happy people and everybody feels as though they are loved because they would be.  I want to see every person feel good about them selves.  I want to see bullying stopped everywhere.  I want to see a world I could be proud of, not something to cringe at and say "Well there is always the next one."  Cause guess what?! There is no next world.  I am not some space traveling alien who can visit random worlds in space.  I highly doubt any of you are either.  If you are cool, but I am talking to the majority.

Guys, I hate to tell you this is the only earth we will ever have.  Right now it isn't to pretty.  All those thing I want to see in the world, they just aren't there.  People die alone, feeling as though they have been alone their whole life.  Children go without parents and family.  People are hungry.
The world is hungry, but not just for food.
The world is hungry for love.
The world is hungry for compassion.
The world is hungry for kindness.  
The world is hungry for change.

Unfortunate the world can't change itself.  More like is won't.  We are the world and we let this beautiful thing called life slip through the cracks.  I think all of us want the world to be a better place.  But that is somebody else's job, right. I am too young.  What can I do? I am too inexperienced.  I am too poor.  I don't have enough to give to others.  I am too busy.  I can't.  Somebody else will do it, right?  It isn't my fault the world is this way.  It isn't my problem.

You couldn't be more wrong.  I couldn't be more wrong.  We couldn't be more wrong.

It is our fault.  It is our job.  Every minute we sit here and just watch the world, we are letting it get worse.  What if the whole world is thinking somebody else will do it?  What will get done then? Who will change things then?

We are the World.  We must change the world.  What can you do?  Really it is simple.  Though it would be great, you don't have to go build a school in Africa, or go Find parents for all the orphan children.  All you have to do is smile.
That is right, it is that simple.  Smile at one more person.  Hold the door for that one person.  Resist honking your horn or flipping the bird at just one person.
That random homeless guy on the street, buy him a burger.  Give a one dollar donation to those things at the register at Wal-Mart.  Compliment a random person on something.  Ask the kid that sits alone to sit with you.  Pay for someones groceries or food at a drive through.  Seriously if you want more ideas just ask in the comments.  If you would like someone to do it to you then do it for someone else.
You really could change someones day by doing something small.

You might be thinking, how on earth can this change the world?

What if every person in the world loved just a little more, gave just a little more?  Think of how much better the world would be.

But the whole world doesn't read my blog so how can they know to do this.  One more candle makes the world a brighter place.  If you are always waiting to shine until the whole world does it you may never know that they are waiting on you to start.  (did that make sense?) If we change the world just one person at a time, that is still more than what is being done.

I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but I have a feeling you all knew this before.  The world is not a happy place.  It is not getting better.  You know why?  Because We are the world and we are sitting on the couch not doing anything.  This is the only earth we got, don't waste it thinking someone else will fix it.  YOU be the change you want to see!!  Yeah, Gandhi, you hit the nail on the head.  Probably why he is so famous.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Turtle X-ing……Time to Slow Down

Today we were on our way to Christmas (this is a town in Florida) to watch Ash-bash (my sisters blogger code name) play violin as some festival thingy.  So we were driving…well my mom was driving.  If all of us were driving well it would not end well.  Anyway, I was in the back seat hanging with JK (brother code name).  All of a sudden my mom starts telling three seats in front of me, “DON’T HIT IT.”  And she puts her led foot to the breaks.  Okay, I was thinking dear, squirrel, person but she was talking about this large turtle just napping in the middle of the road.  Somebody needs to tell him that that is not the place to take a power nap!  Well it was in the other lane so we didn’t hit it but I was still worried for it’s life.  I turn around and look out the back window and see this old couple completely stop there car, get out, and remove the turtle from the road.  It was the cutest thing I had ever seen (And I have seen a LOT of cute things)  It really touched me.
  To think, if those people had been in a rush, it would have been easier to just keep going.  People are always in a rush.  Always thinking ahead, always wishing for tomorrow.  In a hurry this way, that way, up, down, do this, do that.  How many of us would have stopped and picked the turtle off of the road?  How many of us would have zoomed on by? 
Okay, life is short.  Here today and gone tomorrow.  If we are always in the tomorrow, who is going to be there for today.  Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.  The world needs to slow down.  Stop and smell those roses.  Pick the turtle off the road.  Let tomorrow wait until it is no longer tomorrow.  Let me tell you, tomorrow, if given enough time, always turns into today.  No matter how much rushing, it will never happen sooner, you just miss a lot more. 
World it is time to slow down. Take a breath.  And let tomorrow take care of itself. 

And just a shout out to all those turtles out there.  I only have like 14 page views, and I don’t know how many people actually listen to my advice, so like don’t nap on the road.  It worked as an analogy today but some people just don’t slow down.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

50 Shades of Gray

Warning: This is not about a graphic novel.  Or anything weird like that.   If you are saddened by this news I apologize, but that isn't really my genre.  

Some people say the world is black and white.  Things are right. Things are wrong.   It is yes.  It is no.  It is there.  It is not.  There is happy.  There is sad.  Everything is flat.  There is no definition.  Like a coloring book, what is laid before you, is all there is.  What you see is what is there.  Nothing is deep.  Nothing is more.  Nothing has layers.  Nothing has a hidden meaning.  Black and White, lines on a page.

Other people believe that there are many shades of gray to fill the black and white lines. Something can be both right and wrong.  It could be yes and no.  It could be both happy and sad. If something is a little darker here and a tad lighter there then you have demintion.  Thing take shape. Things have more than one meaning.  There is layer.  There is dept.  There is truth.   Black, White, and Gray....shapes on a page.

I believe that life is more than that.  How could something so beautiful, so real, so deep, so meaningful, something so layered and complex be composed of only two colors and their variations.  No matter how hard you try you can only come up with black, white, and gray. That is like taking a pencil and sketching the world.  No matter how skilled you are, no one would ever believe that is was real.  A snapshot of time.  Because life is in color.  You have green, blue, red, orange, yellow, brown, and purple.  Life is a place full of color, and no one would do it justice by calling it 50 shades of gray.

A woman is working out at the gym.  You see her every time you go there.  You do the smile and wave to a friendly face then you get on with your workout.  You leave, go home, watch some stupid show on the TV never giving second thought to the woman.  How could you know that her husband left her 2 years ago and she believes that if she was just one size smaller, just a bit thinner, then he might just have stayed.  She works hard and with all her workout routines and trainers she has no time for the boyfriend who is calling every night just to tell her how beautiful she is.  Not black, not white, not gray.  Life in all it's dept and color.

A man stands on a corner of a street playing a guitar.  You walk by and whisper under your breath, get a job.  Little do you know that he had a job.  In fact he was a millionaire.  Rich and powerful, he was.  But when his son died of a suicide.  The man put down his pen and his paper.  He picked up his sons guitar left standing in his room and played.  He plays everyday in memory of his son gone too soon. Not black, not white, not gray.  Life in all it's dept and color.

You get flipped off on the way home from your daughters ballet lessons.  It wasn't your fault.  You had to get over for the biker.  Rather get a little closer to that dotted line than hit a man on the road.  You grumble a bit about the rudeness then go on you merry little way.   You couldn't know that the man driving that blue truck was just starting to drive again after an accident that had him off the roads and out of action for almost three years.  His brother, the one who flipped you off, was riding in the passenger seat cheering him on.  Being the over protective bigger brother.  He flips you off when you infringe on his lane.  His brother can't screw this up. Not black, not white, not gray.  Life in all it's dept and color.

Life is so much deeper than we all think it to be.  We have been told about the world, but how many of us truly know.  We can't.  Every person has a story.  Every person has layers.  A past, a present, and a future.  We have all been somewhere and are going somewhere.  We pass people everyday not thinking a the dept that lies around us.  We forget that each person is dealing with there own demons.  This may be because we have been taught to see the world in blacks, whites, and grays.  We have forgotten the patterns that lie somewhere beneath.

So, you might be wondering what all this humbo jumbo is about. And if you are reading this I congratulate you on staying with me.  I just want people to see deeper.  To k now that there is more to a story.  To know that everyone has there own story, a life they are living.  Try to think of the world in color.  in all it's glory.  Don't settle for a picture in black and white.  That would be boring.  There is a reason people paint in color.  It adds dept, it adds meaning.  It is true. .  Not black, not white, not gray.  Life in all it's dept and color.