I don’t just want to write. I don’t just want words to fill a page. Everything must mean something. If it doesn’t mean anything, why should anyone need to read it. There are enough empty books out there. There are enough useless words. I must mean something.
I don’t just want to write. I want to capture. I want to grasp a hold of. I want to understand. People think that writers write for the reader. No good writer does. They write for themselves.
I just don’t want to write. I don’t want another escape where people put it down, smile for a moment and walk back to the place they so desperately want to leave. I want people to pick it up, read it again. Frown, think. People don’t need an escape, they may want one, but people need to change.
I don’t just want to write, I want to make people think. Think about there lives, about others lives, about purpose, about stars, about rabbit holes, about Doug mowing the lawn three houses down. If a book doesn’t make people think then what good is it? Just empty space for an empty head.
I don’t just want to write. I want to change the world. Life in a bottle. So many try to fictionalize life. Book have become a safe haven. But this is where we live. This is how we live. No one is doing anyone justice by pretending it is not. People need to see life. for how can one begin to comprehend something they avoid?
I don’t want to just write. I don’t just want words, I want pictures Lives to come out of these pages. I want the truth. People as the world sees them, flaws, points, shards, loves, faults, hates. This is where we live. I want to write that.